Yes, that's right, clock day is coming up soon!
Although I am not a clock, I will be submitting something for Clock Day! It'll just a be a short, nothing special, because I just found about C-Day the 10th (and I'm a little lazy). It should still bring out a few laughs, even though Strawberry Clock dies in it (which would something a little more suited for Anti-Clock Day.
(BTW, Anti-Clock Day is my birthday. Wowzors!)
EDIT: My CD submission is pretty much done. I'm holding back the urge to submit it now, especially because I would get banned from (actually, I don't know if they could find the link between accounts). Also, I found out that Anti-Clock Day apparently changes dates? Weird, why not have a stationary day?
Ugh. I don't like clock day because every fricking flash,no matter how bad it is, has to pass judgement. Fuck that. I really think that only clock-related submissions should pass judgement,and everything else should be banned on instant.
Really? That's interesting. So, no flash gets blammed? I doubt it.
Plus, if somebody actually submitted an excellent flash on Clock Day, and it wasn't a clock movie, it would be unfairly blammed using your idea.